Rock and mеtal music havе long bееn powеrful mеdiums for sеlf-еxprеssion, rеbеllion, and social commеntary. Sincе thеir incеption in thе mid-20th cеntury, thеsе gеnrеs havе […]
Rock and Metal Chronicles: Exploring the Sonic Universe of Riffs and Roars
In the vast realm of music, few genres evoke as much energy, passion, and intensity as rock and metal. From the electrifying guitar solos that […]
Interesting facts about heavy music
Yes, really addicted: a case of psychological dependence on heavy music was recorded in Sweden. The man was recognized as disabled and paid a pension.
Comparison of rock and metal
Accordingly, the content of the songs can also be completely different – from relaxed and humorous to gloomy and philosophical.
Why is rock music still demonized today?
One of the most controversial topics of our time is the demonization of rock music. Some argue that rock is the spawn of the devil.
How do you sing in a husky voice?
If someone gives out the advice below, feel free to send him to bass lessons, because he’s not a very good singer.